We are glad we connected with you in Indianapolis.
Here are ways to follow up on our Synod resolution and make media justice and communication rights a reality for all. Read the resolution.
Most important: sign up to stay in touch with us, via our regular email newsletters, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
Read these blog posts:
- UCC’s biennial General Synod asked to endorse digital justice and inclusion
- Love Your Neighbor: Get Them Internet
- FCC begins implementing the Martha Wright Act!
- Affordable Internet: Need and Opportunity Greater than Ever in 2023
- New State Digital Justice Advocacy Toolkit
You can take action now to carry out the UCC’s witness:
- NEW! Use the UCC Media Justice/National Consumer Law Center State Digital Justice Advocacy Toolkit to ask for digital justice from your state’s Broadband Office.
- Use the Love Your Neighbor Toolkit to tell others in your community, in your neighborhood, in your church how they can get affordable internet for only $30 per month.
- Join with our allies at Common Cause to contact your Congressional representatives and urge them to protect the ACP by restoring its funding!
- Sign your church or non-profit organization on to this civil rights letter supporting additional ACP funding.
- These maps help demonstrate digital inclusion, adoption, and the divide around the country. You can use these to add facts or information to the model letter int the State Digital Justice Advocacy Toolkit.
- Federal Communications Commission, National Broadband Map
- Department of Commerce Indicators of Broadband Need Map (2021).
- To understand the various broadband maps available (including maps from your state), consult Nation Digital Inclusion Alliance, Affordability Connectivity Program ($30 per month for low-income families), Which Map Should I Use?
- Sign up to be a volunteer with UCC Media Justice.
The following events occurred at Synod:
- The microprogramming area in the Justice and Local Church Ministries exhibit space on Tuesday, July 4, from 10-10:30 am
- The implementation session on Tuesday, July 4, at 5:30 pm in Room 121
- Stop by booth #501 in the exhibit hall, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, which has graciously offered to share their space with us!
- Cheryl Leanza is on the General Synod cvent app and on the informal discord server, if you would like to connect!