The United Church of Christ is a long-standing national leader in media justice and communications rights.
Our church members have been leaders from the earliest days of this ministry, when church members monitored television station programming in the 1960s to compile evidence of racism.
Today it is still our members that can take policy and laws and turn them into justice for our neighbors.
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Love Your Neighbors: Get Them Internet
Thursdays for the Soul
Watch our Thursdays for the Soul webinar
Know Peace Online
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Social media platforms offer a more powerful platform than ever before to share our ideas and reach across difference. At the same time that powerful platform can be used to super-charge hate, ignorance and divisiveness.
What obligations do moral and ethical users of the platform have when we use these powerful tools? The United Church of Christ’s media justice ministry, OC Inc., is announcing our new campaign to challenge ourselves as moral and ethical participants in online community.
Sign Declarations about Local Television and other Media
From the earliest days of the UCC’s media justice activism, our members have been essential to the work.
In order to fight some media mergers or rule violations, UCC’s media justice ministry must demonstrate that its members are impacted by media in their communities.
If we need a declaration, we will provide a template describing the situation. You fill in the details like your name and the good and bad things you see in your local media.
We file these declarations at the Federal Communications Commission and in court as evidence that the media affects UCC members and the church.
We can’t do this work without you!

Net Neutrality / Faithful Internet
The internet impacts almost every aspect of our lives.
Net neutrality ensures that all internet content is treated fairly without consideration of who we are or the financial resources we enjoy.
In the United States, internet service is provided predominantly by private companies.
What duties do those companies owe their customers? Can a user visit any web site or download any information they want? Is the content on websites created by individuals as accessible as the content found on the sites of major corporations? Do persons of color or low-income person have equitable access? The answers to these questions depend, significantly, on the extent of what’s called net neutrality.
Net neutrality is a set of regulatory protections that require internet providers to treat all content fairly.
For example, net neutrality would prevent a major video streaming company from paying a service provider to speed up access to its content ahead of the content of others.
The Obama Administration adopted net neutrality protections, but the Trump Administration repealed them. UCC Media Justice continues to work to get these protections back in place.